Time to start thinking about those pesky fireworks…

As we start October, it’s time to think of your Firework Management Plan for your dog. Don’t leave it until the day before the 5th November - start preparing now.

A month before… start by using calming tablets and tinctures. I use Dorwest Herbs Valerian & Skullcap tablets and the Valerian Compound. The tablets take longer to get into the system so start them early. There are other herbal tablets available or you can speak to your vet to get something stronger. You can try some of the sound CDs to try and help but I’ve found that the noise of firework in real time is completely different from a recorded one.

A week before… if your dog is particularly prone to anxiety around the fireworks don’t plan to go out. Or if you are going out make sure your dog has a sitter or someone at home. Check with your neighbours if they are planning to have fireworks at home. If they are, you will definitely need to stay in with your dog. And if you have a puppy don’t even think of going out and leaving it at home. That first Bonfire Night will be critical for the rest of their lives.

On the day…

Walk your dog early in daylight. And make sure that they have a proper wee and poop before any noises start. Give them a long, relaxing sniffy walk to tire them out.

Prepare an area where they can settle down. I use a crate covered in a blanket with lots of cushions inside. Keep it away from the windows.

Give them a warm, good quality meal. Lots of meat to fill them up. If you normally feed dry, add some fresh turkey and rice to the mix. Turkey is very good for reducing stress and encouraging sleep. Add some of the Valerian compound to their dinner as well as the tablets.

Close the curtains or blinds. I have blackout curtains so I can’t see anything from outside.

Settle down with a nice blockbuster movie. Something loud that you can watch for a couple of hours. Sit down with a cup of tea, some snacks and your dog. Relax and they will relax too. An action movie will cover up the noise from outside.

If you do decide to put your dog in another room make sure that they are safe and that they have some music on and a light. Personally, I keep mine with me so that they know there’s nothing to worry about. And if you do decide to go out and leave the dog on their own make sure that you don’t leave the tv or radio on a station that might be broadcasting fireworks as well.

Finally, once the fireworks have ended take a torch and go check in your garden for any sticks or residue that may have landed in your garden. You can then let your dog out for a wee and a poop if they need one.

Good news this year (2022) Bonfire Night is on a Saturday. Which means that people just have fireworks on one night only. But I usually prepare for the whole weekend just in case.

For more information about the products and how you can Firework Proof your home, contact me by email at info@rewardsdogtraining.co.uk


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